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“I’ve been contemplating painting as a language that allows me to visualize and compose imaginary places. Painting as a tool to sort out an archeology of memory, in which colors, shapes, people, places, fragments of images and of sound inhabiting me accumulate and pile up with the passage of time. I’m interested in the resulting tension of composition, in the way color, shapes and textures combined eventually allude to borders and territories or into singular elements that may become autonomous and project themselves into space. “



Kika Goldstein (b. 1984, São Paulo) is a visual artist who works with painting as means to investigate what she calls an “archaeology of memory” in which shapes, colours, images, fragments, and echoes, accumulate over time.

Her practice is driven by the tensions that emerge from the combinations of her natural surroundings and old images whether found in books, in family photographs, or in dreams. Goldstein’s compositions suggest imaginary places and scenes that dislocate traditional perceptions of time, space and narrative, as they transcend the twodimensional limits of the painting, projecting itself into the observer’s space. Goldstein’s recent works have been incorporating tridimensional elements, such as soil, rocks, large scale paintings as well as video and performance that reflects her ongoing research on language and visual expression.

Currently living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Kika Goldstein holds a bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from Faculdade Santa Marcelina in São Paulo, Brazil. Her works are part of significant institutional collections, including the Museum of the City of São Paulo and Regional Museum of Olinda, Pernambuco.

Recent solo exhibitions were held at Galeria Arte FASAM in Belo Horizonte and São Paulo, Brazil. International participations include “Annihilation” in Shanghai, China; “Interwoven Realities” at Harta Space Gallery, Kuala Lumpur; and “Hawa” and “Colors of Gaza” at Galeri Puteh, in Kuala Lumpur, “Brasilianische Künstler” at Galerie D’art Lúcia Hinz in Germany; and “Art Open” in Eschweiler, Germany.


(short version)

Lives and works between São Paulo, Brazil, and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. BA in Fine Arts, Faculdade Santa Marcelina – São Paulo. Pedagogical Complementation, Faculdade Wenceslau Brás, PR.



Sussurros Simbólicos [Symbolic Whispers] Arte FASAM Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil



Opacidade das paisagens [Opacity of Landscapes] Arte FASAN Gallery, Belo Horizonte, MG.



Entre Mundos, [Between Worlds] Centro de Exposições de Arte Prof José Ismael, Guarulhos, SP.


Memórias Perceptivas, [Perceptive Memories] Galeria Vértice, SP
Memórias Perceptivas, cor, forma, espaço [Perceptive Memories, color, form, space] Laboratório Subsolo, SP.


Memórias Perceptivas, cor, forma, espaço [Perceptive Memories, color, form, space] Casa Galeria, SP.


Lapidando as Pedras Brutas [Shaping Raw Stones] Galeria 3058 A, SP.


Movimentos [Movements] Espaço Herança Cultural, São Paulo, SP.


Pedestres [Pedestrians] ONG Café Aprendiz, São Paulo, SP.

Pedestres [Pedestrians] Secretaria de Cultura do Guarujá, SP.




Telur Pecah 4.0 Contemporary Art Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
SP Arte FASAM Galeria, São Paulo, Brazil



Anihilation, Interpreting the performance “Magical Curves” by Brazilian artist Rubiane Maia, SNAP Contemporary Art Center, Shanghai, China

Matéia-corpo [Matter-body] Casa Bomeny Gallery, RJ.


Arte RIO, Arte FASAN, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Malaysian’s Last Tigers, Taksu Gallery, KL, Malaysia.

Hawa and Colors for Gaza, Galeri Puteh, KL, Malaysia.


Casa Tato 4, São Paulo, SP

Nuances - Mulheres em camadas, [Nuances - Women in Layers] BNP Paribas, Kura, SP.


16th Salão de Arte Contemporânea de Guarulhos, Guarulhos SP.

Casa TATO 1, São Paulo, SP.


Feira PARTE - Galeria Tato, SP

Mil e uma [Thousand and one] Casa Lâminas, SP, and Galeria Murilo Castro, BH.


Novos Talentos Coletiva [New Talents Group Show] Casa Galeria, SP.


The Place of the Other Place - Coletivo 2 e 1, Elefante Centro Cultural Brasília - DF, and Galeria Califórnia, SP.


O lugar do outro Lugar [The Place of the Other Place] Coletivo 2 e 1, Projeto Especial, Special Project, Feira PARTE, SP.


Art Monaco - Gallery Universalis, Principality of Monaco.


Faces da Vida, [Faces of Live] Art Design Space and Gallery, SP.

Rotterdam International Art Fair - Gallery Universalis, Netherlands.

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